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 MPC Technique
SQUID Magnetometry
3He Magnetometry


We have a productive research programme studying scintillator materials at cryogenic temperatures in order to identify and develop scintillators for CRESST and EURECA

The CRESST II detector modules are cryogenic phonon scintillation detectors, which use the combination of the phonon and scintillation light signals to classify events as electron or nuclear recoils on an event by event basis. Cryogenic phonon-scintillation detectors are particularly promising as they allow us to use a range of different target materials within one setup. Therefore if we detect a positive signal, we can verify if it is due to WIMP interactions by checking if the event rate scales with the absorber atomic mass, in the way expected for the WIMP-nuclear scattering cross-section.

We require scintillation materials with the following properties:

  • High scintillation light yield at low temperatures.
  • Good optical and mechanical surface properties.
  • High radiopurity.
  • Suitable thermodynamic characteristics.
Unlike conventional applications of scintillators, rare event searches do not require scintillators with fast decay times. Therefore we can use scintillators which are traditionally considered "slow". There are a large number of compounds such as doped materials: NaI(Tl), CaF2(Eu), Lu2SiO5(Ce), and LaCl3(Ce), that are known to be good scintillators at room temperatures, but their light yield decreases substantially with temperature, thereby making them unsuitable for cryogenic applications. In addition, some materials exhibit an excessively high level of intrinsic radioactive background, or are hygroscopic. This makes them unsuitable for the use in rare event searches. However our research covers a number of good cryogenic scintillators including CaWO4, ZnWO4 and CaMoO4 (pictured).

To study the scintillation process of a material, and identify possible improvements, we take extensive measurements of the temperature dependence of the decay times and light yield. To achieve this we have developed the multi-photon counting (MPC) technique to measure the scintillator parameters over a wide range of temperatures.

Scintillator materials also have many other applications, for example in industry and medicine. We are collaborating with industrial partners such as Hilger Crystals. This science-driven initiative already resulted in the optimisation of traditional scintillators and the development of new materials for a variety of applications. The health sector, especially medical diagnostics, can benefit significantly from new scintillation detectors with enhanced light yield operating at ambient and/or low temperatures.

CRESST calcium tungstate crystal
Zinc tungstate crystal
Calcium molybdate crystal
CaWO4, ZnWO4, and CaMoO4


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