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Dark Matter

The EURECA Dark Matter Search

EURECA (European Rare Event Calorimeter Array) is a proposed one tonne dark matter experiment using cryogenic detectors. The project was formed in March 2005 when members of the CRESST and EDELWEISS collaborations agreed to join forces to build the next generation dark matter search. The ROSEBUD collaboration and other groups have since joined the experiment. EURECA aims to search for WIMP interactions with a cross section down to 10-10pb, which will cover the range predicted by most supersymmetry theories. We aim to begin construction in the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane sometime after 2013.

The Oxford group is currently involved in R&D activities towards EURECA including investigating scintillators, data acquisition hardware and software, and detector readout.

For more information, see the EURECA collaboration homepage: http://www.eureca.ox.ac.uk.





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