Quantum Error Correction: Papers

At present this page only refers to my own work, and only includes a few highlights.

  • Threshold and fault tolerant methods:

    - "Fault-tolerant logical gate networks for Calderbank-Shor-Steane codes," A. M. Steane and Ben Ibinson, Phys. Rev. A 72, 052335 (2005). Also quant-ph/0311014.

    - "Overhead and noise threshold of fault-tolerant quantum error correction," A. M. Steane, Phys. Rev. A 68, 042322 (2003). Also quant-ph/0207119.

    - "Quantum computer architecture for fast entropy extraction," A. M. Steane, Quantum Information and Computation 2, 297-306 (2002). Also quant-ph/0203047.

  • - "Fast fault-tolerant filtering of quantum codewords," A. M. Steane (2002; revised 2004).

    - "Efficient fault-tolerant quantum computing", A. M. Steane, Nature 399, 124-126 (1999).

  • Some early papers:

    - "Enlargement of Calderbank–Shor–Steane Quantum Codes," A. M. Steane, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theor. 45, 2492 (1999).

    - "Simple Quantum Error Correcting Codes," A. M. Steane, Phys.Rev. A 54, 4741 (1996). Also quant-ph/9605021 (and preprint ).

    - "Multiple Particle Interference and Quantum Error Correction," A. M. Steane, Proc.Roy.Soc.Lond. A 452, 2551 (1996). Also quant-ph/9601029.

    - "Error correcting codes in quantum theory," A. M. Steane, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 793-797 (1996).

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    A. M. Steane