Full peer-reviewed papers and chapters:

2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008     2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014:

     Llorente-Garcia I, Lenn T, Erhardt H, Harriman OL, Liu L-N, Robson A, Chiu S-W, Matthews S, Willis NJ, Bray CD, Lee S-H, Shin J Y, Bustamante C, Liphardt J, Friedrich T, Mullineaux CW and Leake MC. BBA-Bioenergetics (2014). Single-molecule in vivo imaging of bacterial respiratory complexes indicates delocalized oxidativce phosphorylation. In Press.


2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012     2013     2014:

      Chiu SW, Roberts MA, Leake MC & Armitage JP. Positioning of chemosensory proteins and FtsZ through the Rhodobacter sphaeroides cell cycle. Mol Microbiol. (2013) 90:322-337.

Leake MC . Single-molecule cellular biophysics. Cambridge University Press, 1st Ed. (2013) In Press.

Leake MC (Compiler and Editor). Single molecule cellular biophysics: combining physics, biochemistry and cell biology to study the individual molecules of life. Phil Trans B. (2013) In Press. Stream Youtube podcast

      Leake MC. The physics of life: one molecule at a time. Phil Trans B. (2013) In Press.

      Robson A, Burrage K & Leake MC. Inferring diffusion in single live cells at the single molecule level. Phil Trans B. (2013) In Press.


2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012     2013     2014:

      Badrinarayanan A, Reyes-Lamothe R, Uphoff S, Leake MC & Sherratt DJ. In vivo architecture and action of bacterial structural maintenance of chromosome proteins. Science 338, 528-531 (2012).  SI Science EditorialOU Press release

       Lenn T & Leake MC. Experimental approaches for addressing fundamental biological questions in living, functioning cells with single molecule precision. Open Biol. (2012), 2, 120090. [Featured Article of the Month].


2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012     2013     2014:

       Harriman OLJ & Leake MC. Single molecule experimentation in biological physics: exploring the living component of soft condensed matter one molecule at a time. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (2011), 23, 503101.

       Chiu S-W & Leake MC. Functioning nanomachines seen in real-time in living bacteria using single-molecule and super-resolution fluorescence imaging. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2011, 12, 2518-2542.

       Xue Q, Harriman O & Leake MC. Using bespoke fluorescence microscopy to study the soft condensed matter of living cells at the single molecule level. J. Phys: Conf Ser. 2011, 286 012001.


2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008     2009    2010    2011     2012     2013     2014:

       Leake MC. Shining the spotlight on functional molecular complexes: The new science of single-molecule cell biology. Commun Integr Biol. 2010, 3, 415-418.

       Reyes-Lamothe R, Sherratt DJ, Leake MC. Stoichiometry and architecture of active DNA replication machinery in Escherichia coli. Science. 2010, 328, 498-501. SI Science EditorialFaculty of 1000 Biology Evaluation

      Delalez NJ, Wadhams GH, Rosser G, Xue Q, Brown MT, Dobbie IM, Berry RM, Leake MC, Armitage JP. Signal-dependent turnover of the bacterial flagellar switch protein FliM. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010, 107, 11347-11351. SI Movie1 Movie2 Movie3

      Xue Q, Jones NS and Leake MC. A general approach for segmenting elongated and stubby biological objects: extending a chord length transform with the radon transform. Proc. IEEE Internat. Symp. Biomed. Imaging (ISBI): From Nano to Macro, 2010, 161-164.


2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008   2009    2010    2011    2012     2013     2014:

       Dobbie IM, Robson A, Delalez N, Leake MC. Visualizing Single Molecular Complexes In Vivo Using Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy. J Vis Exp.  2009, 31, 1508.  Protocol Movie

       Xue Q and Leake MC. A novel multiple particle tracking algorithm for noisy in vivo data by minimal path optimization within the spatio-temporal volume. Proc. IEEE Internat. Symp. Biomed. Imaging (ISBI): From Nano to Macro, 2009, 1158-1161.

       Plank M,  Wadhams GH, Leake MC. Millisecond timescale slimfield imaging and automated quantification of single fluorescent protein molecules for use in probing complex biological processes. Integr. Biol., 2009, 1, 602-612.

       Pilizota T, Brown MT, Leake MC, Branch RW, Berry RM and Armitage JP. A molecular brake, not a clutch, stops the Rhodobacter sphaeroides flagellar motor. 2009. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,  Epub ahead of print. SI.


2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012     2013     2014:

       Lenn T*, Leake MC* and Mullineaux CW. Clustering and dynamics of cytochrome bd-I complexes in the Escherichia coli plasma membrane in vivo. 2008. Mol. Microbiol, 70, 1397-1407. SI. *Joint 1st authors.

       Leake MC*, Greene NP, Godun RM, Granjon T, Buchanan G, Chen S, Berry RM & Berks BC. Variable stoichiometry of the TatA component of the twin-arginine protein transport system observed by in vivo single-molecule imaging. 2008.  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105, 15376-15381. SI *Corresponding author.

       Lenn T, Leake MC & Mullineaux CW. Are Escherichia coli OXPHOS complexes concentrated in specialized zones within the plasma membrane. 2008.  Biochem Soc Trans, 36, 1032-6.

       Leake MC, Wadhams GH & Armitage JA. Parts exchange: why molecular machines are like used cars. 2008.  Biologist 55, 33-39.


2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012     2013     2014:

       Lo CJ, Leake, MC, Pilizota, T & Berry RM. Single-cell measurements of Membrane Potential, Sodium-Motive Force and Flagellar Motor Speed in Escherichia coli. 2007. Biophys. J. 93, 294-302. SI


2003    2004    2005    2006    2007     2008    2009    2010    2011    2012     2013     2014:

       Leake MC, Chandler JH, Wadhams GH, Fan, B, Berry RM & Armitage JA. Stoichiometry and turnover in single, functioning membrane protein complexes. 2006.  Nature 443, 355-8 (2006). SI Movies Cover Art.

       Reid, SW, Leake, MC, Chandler, JH, Lo, CJ, Armitage, JP & Berry, RM. The bacterial flagellar motor contains at least 11 torque-generating units. 2006. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103, 8066-71.

      Leake MC, Gruetzner, A, Krueger, M  & Linke WA. Mechanical properties of cardiac titin's N2B region by single molecule atomic force spectroscopy. 2006. J. Struct Biol. 155, 263-272.

       Bullard B, Benes V, Tzintzuni G, Leake MC, Linke WA & Oberhauser AF. The molecular elasticity of the insect flight muscle proteins projectin and kettin. 2006. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101, 4451-4456. SI

      Lo CJ, Leake MC & Berry RM. Fluorescence measurement of intracellular sodium concentration in single Escherichia coli cells. 2006. Biophys. J. , 90, 357-65


2003    2004    2005    2006    2007     2008    2009    2010    2011    2012     2013:

      Sowa Y, Rowe AD, Leake MC, Yakushi T, Homma M, Ishijima A & Berry RM. Direct observation of steps in rotation of the bacterial flagellar motor. 2005.  Nature. 437, 916-919.SI Movie JST Press Release EMBO Commentary Cover Art.

2003    2004    2005    2006    2007     2008    2009    2010    2011    2012     2013     2014:

        Linke, WA. and Leake, MC. 2004. Multiple sources of passive stress relaxation in muscle fibres. Phys. Med. Biol. 49, 3613-3627.

        Makarenko, I, Opitz, CA, Leake, MC, Neagoe, C, Kulke, M, Gwathmey, JK, del Monte, F, Hajjar, RJ and Linke, WA. 2004. Passive stiffness changes of compliant titin isoforms in human DCM hearts. Circ. Res. 95(7):708-16. SI

     Leake MC., Wilson D., Gautel M. and Simmons RM. 2004. The elasticity of single titin molecules using a two-bead optical tweezers assay. Biophys. J. 87(2):1112-1135. SI

      Bullard, B., Leake, MC. and Leonard, K. 2004. Some functions of proteins from the Drosophila sallimus (sls) gene. In "Nature's versatile engine: Insect flight muscle inside and out", Landes Bioscience, Ed. Jim Vigoreaux, 177-186.

    Opitz, CA., Leake, MC., Makarenko, I., Benes, V. and Linke, WA. 2004. Developmentally regulated switching of titin size alters myofibrillar stiffness in the perinatal heart. Circ. Res. 94:967-75. SI,Ed

       Bullard B., Ferguson C., Minajeva A., Leake MC., Gautel M., Labeit D., Ding L., Labeit S., Horwitz J., Leonard KR., Linke WA. 2004. Association of the chaperone {alpha}B-crystallin with titin in heart muscle. J Biol Chem., 279:7917-7924.


2003    2004    2005    2006    2007     2008    2009    2010    2011    2012     2013      2014:

      Opitz CA., Kulke M., Leake MC., Neagoe C., Hinssen H., Hajjar RJ. and Linke WA. 2003. Damped elastic recoil of the titin spring in myofibrils of human myocardium. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 100:12688-93. SI

       Leake, MC., Wilson, D., Bullard, B. and Simmons, RM. The elasticity of single kettin molecules using a two-bead laser-tweezers assay. 2003. FEBS Lett., 535(1-3), 55-60.

      Rowe, A., Leake, MC., Morgan, H. and Berry, RM. 2003. Rapid rotation of micron and sub-micron dielectric particles measured using optical tweezers. J. Mod. Opt. 50(10), 1539-1555.


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