Speakers at oral sessions
Here are a few guidelines for oral presentations.
We recognize that in some cases a speaker will have a strong preference for presenting from their own laptop, and will accommodate that when necessary. In order to make the sessions run smoothly, though, we would like to have as many talks as possible pre-loaded on the presentation hardware. Both a Mac and a PC will be made available. For presentations from conference hardware, format should be pdf (presented from Acrobat Reader), PowerPoint or Keynote. It is especially important to get the Wednesday morning session talks uploaded before the beginning of the meeting. Please use the naming convention <YourName><day><AMorPM><MacOrPC>.<ext> for your file, e.g.
Links for uploading the presentations were sent out to the email list of registered delegates. If you did not receive the links, please send a request to ukexom@gmail.com and we'll send you the set of links.
If you are unable to upload your talk in advance of the session and need to provide it on a thumb drive, or have a need to present from your own laptop, please touch base with your session chair before the start of the session.
If using your own hardware, VGA connections are available. We will try to have a collection of Mac dongles available, but it is hard to cover all models so please bring a dongle that can connect to VGA. (I will check Monday to see if the HDMI connection is also in order).
Poster presenters
In order to keep to time for the session of 1-minute express poster introduction presentations each afternoon, it is important to have all the presentations pre-loaded and ready to go. It is best if we can have all (or most) of this done before the start of the meeting.
File format: 1 pdf slide, approximately A4 landscape size. No embedded animations please.
File name convention: Please name your file <your-name><day>Poster.pdf ,e.g. BagginsWednesdayPoster.pdf
Links for uploading the presentations were sent out to the email list of registered delegates. If you did not receive the links, please send a request to ukexom@gmail.com and we'll send you the set of links.
Posters will be set up and available for viewing in the Lindemann Lecture theatre. Posters will be on display only for the day of the corresponding poster session, but will be on display for the full day, so people can drop in during coffee breaks or lunch. The intent is to prevent crowding and give the posters associated with the corresponding oral session a fair share of attention. Please set up your poster as early as possible in the day (we will have the building open for access about a half hour before the start of the morning oral session), and take it down at the end of the poster session.
Posters of up to A0 size can be displayed. There is a slight preference for landscape format, but portrait format can be handled without problem.