Report on Short Option S8 Covariant Electromagnetism 2004 Number of Candidates 43 Question 1 33 attempts Mean 19.0 Std Dev 6.9 Max mark 25 A straightforward question apart from the fact that no intermediate results were given, and correspondingly popular. The mark distribution was bimodal, with a large group obtaining full or nearly full marks, and a small group with approximately half marks who did not obtain the correct answer to the first part of the question and were thereby prevented from continuing successfully. Question 2 17 attempts Mean 11.3 Std Dev 6.7 Max mark 21 A question with several parts of graded difficulty. Only 2 candidates came close to recognizing the need to transform the $r$, $t$ dependence of the potentials to $r'$, $t'$ before differentiating to find the field in the primed frame, and consequently there were 5 marks essentially unobtainable for most candidates. Question 3 21 attempts Mean 12.0 Std Dev 3.1 Max mark 18 The first few marks were very easy, which perhaps tempted candidates unable to attempt the later parts. As in question 2, very few candidates were aware of the necessity to convert the $r$, $t$ dependence of the potentials to $r'$, $t'$, and this led to almost no correct answers to the middle part. I re-weighted the first two sections to allow me to give credit to candidates obtaining correct intermediate results in the middle section. Question 4 15 attempts Mean 13.7 Std Dev 7.3 Max mark 25 Although algebraically lengthy this question was not otherwise difficult, and there were a reasonable number of essentially correct attempts.